Daily Archives: February 19, 2011

When I’m Wrong, I’m Wrong

It appears as though I made a sweeping generalization in my last post that was unwarranted.  I claimed that atheists lauded this idiot, who made a homeless person jump through hoops for his own amusement before he would give the needy man $20.

I found the video via ex-Christian.net.  The comments section on ex-C.net contained things like this:

  • Actually the film maker didn’t seem arrogant or particularly condescending to me. It did make the man uncomfortable (although not the woman to my eyes), but its never comfortable when our deepest held values and beliefs are up for public scrutiny by someone who disbelieves them. Maybe it will give him the impetus to do some self-examination. Certainly if someone had just given them $20 without the discussion, these parents would have seen it as “a gift from the Lard!” & “God’s provisioning!”
  • Hey, if it’s OK to casually ask for money on the side of the road (and guilt people into donating using “God”), then what’s wrong with casually asking someone to cross out a word in exchange for money?
  • The christbots still found and jumped through a loophole to get the money.  I really wish the film maker had had ten thousand dollars in cash to really “test” their faith.
  • Does anyone really believe that if he had a million bucks, as opposed to 20, that they wouldn’t have accepted? Please.
  • Exactly! And if by some slim-to-none chance they wouldn’t have taken the million bucks, that alone would prove the extent of their brainwashing… or sheer stupidity.
  • Sad, there they are living in an RV homeless and yet somehow think god is for them? So sad. Sadder even I used to be that stupid. Then I did what the guy in the video said, took accountability for my life.  TADA!!!!! It worked! Well what do you know? Read the rest of this entry